Grace Patrick

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Covid Stay Home 30

Either my kids are super encouraging (they are) or they have run out of things to read during this Covid lockdown. 9 years ago I started blogging  about my biking adventures …this really just amounted to 3 blog posts about my observations while riding my bicycle to work, which a) shows how dedicated I was to blogging ( 3 times in 9 years woo hoo) and b) how dedicated I was to biking to work (not even remotely).

So here we are 9 years later and  in the middle of a pandemic and I figured why the heck not write about life and daily (OK maybe weekly since I am not that dedicated) experiences. Since I started this website a couple of years ago I see that I have a tab that says “Blog”. I don't know what I was thinking back then as it has taken a global crisis for me to look at this blank page and realize HEY I have a captive audience and I can write stuff.

I have to say that for the first 2 weeks of this Stay at Home order in Ontario I really did not feel motivated to paint or create. I have since read many social media posts by other creatives and it’s a thing. So I gave up forcing myself to paint and focused on my work from home office set up. I am not a techie so when my 9-5 telecom job sent me home to work remotely, it took me several days to set myself up. I experimented with working from my kitchen table , big mistake that led to me gaining 5 pounds in 2 days as I was WAYYY too close to the fridge. I loved the light in my family room but sitting cross legged on the floor while I tapped away on the laptop on the coffee table is fine for a 20 year old yoga teacher, not for me. So my basement set up is perfect. The number of calories I burn going up stairs for a snack should be equal to the number of calories worth of bread I am consuming…check back in a few weeks on that one. Also my office mate and I get along really well ..we are married after all . 

Now that my 9-5 has settled into a nice routine and we are not baking bread (and eating it) every single day, I am starting to feel like creating again. It started with knitting. I don’t have enough yarn to actually make a sweater or anything like that (thanks to Marie Kondo encouraging purging and tidying up). But I have enough to make those reading socks they used to sell at Chapters…the ones that are too thick to wear in shoes and too slippery to walk around in, so they work for when you are lying down reading . I am a real wuss when it comes to watching scary stuff on TV so I knit so I don’t bite my nails or stress eat a bag of chips. Knitting opened the door to even wanting to make anything that was not edible. How many socks or dish scrubbies can I make ? How many is too many ?

Hope everyone out there is doing OK.